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Somatic Connection: a Couple’s Retreat w/ Madelana

While it is a privilege to be part of a couple, it’s also quite a demanding path to travel on in tandem. We arrive in our couple relationship with all of our personal history, beliefs, and behaviors strongly intact. Realizing that our partner is, in fact, our mirror is the highest hope we have for turning our relationship into a welcomed part of our Spirit’s (spiritual) journey. It is also the motivation to find ways to improve the “relating” part of our “relationship”. Kindness, curiosity, communication:  these are among the requisite tools for success. Presence, patience and compassion must infuse our thoughts and actions if we are to co-develop a co-regulating relationship with our partner. This workshop will open the door to your hearts and minds, offering tools that can be a part of your relationship journey and potentiate its success. Please come with vulnerability and an open heart, knowing that this is a safe space and a container where all of you is welcome. This is a perfect way to grow if you have a desire to connect on a deeper level in your partnership.

Our time together will include a deep dive into the following ideas and how they play a role in relationships:
Threat Response Cycle
Feelings vs Thoughts
- Identifying the emotions we regularly experience
- Exploration of familiar feelings
- Feelings when needs are or are not met

We will share in the following exploration of the independent Self and the partnered Self through:
Group Reflection (vulnerability and authenticity welcome here!)
Writing Exploration
Physical Movement Practice
Couples Meditation + Intentional Shared Relaxation

About Madelana: For more than 30 years, Madelana has spent her time learning to integrate her versatile knowledge into her therapeutic work. With a diverse background in areas such as voice & theatre, business and high finance to ultimately arriving in the world of science and spirituality, she helps real people with real-life problems and challenges find and implement effective solutions.

Solutions to our challenges always come from the inside. After looking outward for happiness, where she first went to find hers, she turned inward, through the practice of meditation, and was led to in a vastly different direction.

Drawn to a diverse set of teachings, she discovered unrecognized talents and abilities, wrote a book, offered lectures, taught nationally and internationally, and shared what she learned with her many students and clients.

Madelana tapped into a knowledge base that has been instrumental for growth and fundamental in her work as a Yoga & Somatic Therapist and Educator. This is the knowledge base that she offers you.

She and her partner Richard will be offering 1:1 hands-on sessions in Somatic Therapy at FORMATION for one day only! Make sure to take advantage of this powerful healing experience while they’re visiting. Book with Madelana or Richard for a 75min Somatic Therapy session on 8/5. Learn more about her Somatic work with clients in their studio here.

$200 investment per couple

*note that one registration includes you and your partner

July 23

July Full Moon Soundbath Meditation w/ Sarah

August 11

Breath + Sound w/ Sarah